Dear GAM Electronics,
Thank you for building such a sleek, streamlined, and lighter antenna. Your SS-2 Marine and SS-2 AIS antennas are always my first recommendation. They perform superbly. I have installed hundreds of your antennas over the years and find them to be the best.
They are easier to install against the curved shapes of masts than other brands, and the solid threaded barrel accepts a PL259 with ease. Not like other brands which fall apart in pieces, or simply will not adjust to thicker mounting brackets. The variety of mounting adapters and accessories you have developed in your line-up is especially appreciated. They’ve really come in handy in the smaller powerboat installs.
Attached are a few photos of your antenna installed on a brand new carbon fiber mast for a special project. The owners specified that only the finest components be utilized in their electronics installations. There’s a lot to be said for, Made-in-Maine.
Best regards,
Kim Baker

Communications Expert Gordon West Reports; “I have done numerous SSB ham and marine radio checks with this system and found no discernible signal losses, even when used with a well-grounded backstay aboard a steel-hulled vessel.”
The Split Lead antenna’s…“twin radiating elements … bang out a signal just as though it were suspended in mid-air.”
Gordon West, Sail Magazine “Ask Sail” (October 2005)